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Renee's Random Rants and Raves

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A Christmas Wish!



It may seem strange to post a Christmas wish on a website dedicated to adult play, but my understanding of this holiday is somewhat different than most.  First, I consider Christmas Day to symbolize the  birth of hope.  Hope that fear and shame would disappear. Hope that all people can walk in the sunlight of the spirit regardless of where they come from and who they choose to love and play with.  Hope that one day all people will recognize and act on the premise that we are all sisters and brothers, and share a common humanity.

Christmas day to me also represents that their is grace in the world. All the mistakes, errors, misjudgments and hurt feelings that I may have made can be resolved, forgiven, and overcome.   The Birth of Hope means that i can know that their is nothing I have done that can't be made right.

Finally, the birth of hope represents the birth of compassion.  When I see that I have been given the gift of forgiveness of errors, I can forgive others and understand others. I can have compassion for all my fellows, knowing that they are just like me...imperfectly perfect in everyway.

Christmas to me represents the fruition of  the  two great commandments...Love Your Higher Power with all your mind, body and soul, and Love Your Neighbor as yourself.

Merry Christmas


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